The other night most of the staff went out to "Burger Queen" after work. It was pretty impressive--country music from the satellite radio in the background, real burgers and french fries and ketch-up. Mostly, though, it was just a great time of laughing with this group of people who have become some of my dearest friends!

Danny, me, and Aaron, in case you didn't figure that out!! :)
My half eaten basket (yes, a real basket to add to the experience!) of food:)

*For all of you observant people out there who already commented or were about to--no, I still don't like kettle korn or burgers. But they don't kill me and I can still talk about them:)
burger queen! haha, i'm jealous. the closest thing to burgers we get here in japan is mcdonalds... i must admit though, in sad moments of desperation i have eaten there...
sara i'm so glad you've gotten a close group of friends, thats great!
when friends or family have come to visit me in japan, its always very strange, on one hand, they're friends or family so its natural for them to be with me. just not in japan, which is the strange part that i can never get over.
tell aaron hey for me!
Hey dudes! Have an amazing time. I know you are. I'm loving imagining the great experiences and conversations you two are having together. Bet at times it feels like a slightly out-of-body experience?...
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