Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rain on the Brain

I don't like Saturdays here very much. Particularly the grey, rainy ones. They always tend to yield these pockets of time that quickly spiral from contemplation to introspection to loneliness to self-pity, which is an asinine position from which to view myself, especially living in a place like this! Oh, how ugly it can be to really see oneself! Today I wanted the comfort of warmth, home friends, my car, a phone with quick (and cheap!) access to a welcome voice on the other end, diet coke . . . it's always something:) And in my more level headed moments, I see all of this for what it is: sweet blessings given for seasons by a Father who cares more about my soul than how warm my toes are, but yet is caring enough to usually allow the toes to be warm. I really, really hate cold toes.
But, happy thought! I just made some oatmeal-raisen cookies. Now if I just had a glass of ice-cold skim milk . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Great, honest posts. May God continue to bless your work!

Scotland is wonderful. I gave Bob and Heather your greetings and they got out one of their old guestbooks and showed me the place where you had signed it. :)