Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Few Clinic Pics

Waiting to be seen

My favorite moment in all our clinic days! This little boy had been incorrectly diagnosed with polio. We had some PTs on the team, and they were able to work with him for awhile. Here he is with his mom getting to walk with a walker! Oh, there were many tears shed:)

A precious little girl named Heilemy

Giving IV fluids to a really sick little boy. He came back the next day
and was bright-eyed and doing much better!
Photo Courtesy of Love Photography:)
Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, emails, and calls over the past few weeks. June was a crazy month with these 2 medical teams here, but they were great ones too. In the last 2 weeks we did clinics, we saw 913 patients. Whew! I find myself looking back on those clinics with two reactions; one is overwhelming sadness out how little we could do for so many of the patients we saw. Their lives are just so hard. The other, though, is great joy that we were given the privilege to reach into lives so often forgotten; as we touched people who are "untouchable" and gave medicine to those who can't afford any and most of all shared Hope with those who have so little--oh, I am blessed to get to be a part of this.

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